What better way to serve up our nourishingly delicious Good Gut Loaf...
You need: 1 x Cauliflower, 1 x brown onion, 2 x garlic cloves, 4 sprigs thyme, tsp dijon mustard, good stock or water...(added bonus ing - green veg that needs to be used up...broc, zuch, peas etc, natural almonds, heaps of lovely Aussie extra virgin olive oil)
How: Heat evoo in large saucepan, cook onions and garlic real slow with a lid sweating away until nice and soft (about 15 mins) - watch carefully, season and stir occasionally...
Chop whole cauli up, get rid of tough base leaves but reserve stem and pale green leaves...add all into the onion with thyme. cover until JUST covered with stock/water, cauli should be snug and not swimming around for nice thick soup...
Cover, simmer for 10/15 probably 15...remove from heat, blend straight in pan with stick blender until smooth, season with salt and pep, add mustard, more if you love it...can be eaten deliciously now with toasted GGL....OR get those almonds chopped and toasted in evoo and salt until golden...add small cut green veg of choice/availability re simmer for a min until vibrant green and serve topped with almonds.x